Sunday, January 22, 2012

Strategic Sex Scandal Schemes

By William L. Garvin

It had to happen. All you need to know to understand the predictable nature of this latest smear is to review Barack Obama’s political career and the “Chicago Way” of “doing business”. As soon as a Republican candidate gains traction, the media machine jumps into a “Whack-A-Mole” mob mentality. The latest victim was Newt Gingrich. ABC, which simultaneously stands for “Assassinate Barack’s Competition” and “Adore Barack Continually”, created its version of a prime time soap melodrama with a spiteful rehash of decade-old divorce material.

Here’s why the pattern becomes predictable. Back in 1995, when Alice Palmer decided to leave the Illinois Senate and run for Congress, she handpicked and groomed young Barack Obama to replace her in state office. When she lost her national race and attempted to run for her previous position, young Barack not only refused to step aside, he challenged the signatures on her petition and her right to run. He was successful in invalidating not only her petition but those of his other three opponents as well. He won running unopposed.

In 2000, Barack prematurely and foolishly challenged Congressional House Representative Bobby Rush, Black Panther activist turned politician. He lost by more than thirty points. Congressman Rush painted Barack as an out-of-touch elitist saying "Barack Obama went to Harvard and became an educated fool. Barack is a person who read about the civil-rights protests and thinks he knows all about it." Barack returned home and successfully gerrymandered his district to retain the affluent Hyde Park area where he lived, extended it to cover more affluent, young, white professionals and eliminated the poorer black neighborhoods where he had little support.

In a crowded field for the 2004 U.S. Senate race, the leading Democrat was Blair Hull. Guess what happened? His sealed divorce papers were exposed and in the fine print was information that his wife had “filed for an order of protection.” Subsequently, rumors of spousal abuse went viral. David Axelrod and his Chicago connections had nothing to do with it. Barack eventually won the primary. In the general, Barack was up against the heavily favored Republican Jack Ryan. Lo and behold, his divorce papers also were unsealed. In a bitter custody dispute, his ex-wife, actress Jeri Ryan alleged they had visited several “kinky sex” and “swinger” night clubs. Despite his denials, he too was forced to resign. Again, Axelrod and the Obama campaign had nothing to do with it. Eventually Ryan was replaced by Alan Keyes but it was too little too late.

In Obama’s presidential campaign, the rumors about John McCain’s alleged affair gained no traction. However, the JournoList cabal had a field day promulgating rumors that Trig was not Sarah Palin’s baby. That same sanctimonious lot went ballistic and viral when Bristol became pregnant out of wedlock. As for Sarah, they couldn’t really decide if she was a racist or having affairs with black athletes. Such a “journalistic” quandary.

Rick Perry of course is a racist because of words painted on a rock. Then there’s Herman Cain. As Cain noted, Barack’s dad had a chauffeur; Herman’s dad was a chauffeur. Since the racism motif wouldn’t play very well there, here go the sex scandals again. Forget that personnel files are confidential. Forget that the Illinois Restaurant Association is located in Chicago. Forget that the IRA president came from the Daley machine and is good friends with Axelrod. Confidential, vague and unsubstantiated harassment complaints were aired and blown into a major media scandal. Then who shows up but Sharon Bialek, a perpetual subject of litigation. Forget that she lived in the same apartment building as Axelrod. Axelrod and the Obama campaign had nothing to do with it.

So Newt, you knew it was coming. Why, they’re already out interviewing the old boyfriends of Rick Santorum’s wife! Mitt, you’re next. You’ve got some nerve, making all that money and only paying 15%! Forget that John Kerry only paid 13% and he made his money the old fashioned way…he married it. Every deduction, contribution, investment, high school date, church, and college transcript will be microscopically scrutinized because you’re not Obama…and Chicago Axelrod will have nothing to do with it.

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