Monday, January 2, 2012

Bleeds, Leads, and Dirty Debt Deeds

By William L. Garvin

In the media world, there’s a common maxim: “If it bleeds, it leads.” That’s why a television station will cover a high speed chase live for hours (think O.J.’s white Bronco) and will spend less than thirty seconds on legislation that will affect millions of Americans. To make matters worse, the modern media maxim has become: “If liberals bleed, we recede!”

Many of you probably remember when a second rate burglary brought down a sitting Republican president because of the constant media drumbeat. However, when the present administration foolishly sells thousands of weapons to Mexican drug cartels, it’s ho-hum page seven news. Even when those untracked weapons result in the death of a U.S. law enforcement officer and countless other civilians, even when the Attorney General continually contradicts himself under oath and stonewalls the Congressional committee investigation, there’s nothing more than lukewarm media interest.

Further evidence of the selective presentation of facts is the lack of attention paid to the House-enacted bill that would have extended the “payroll tax cuts” for an entire year. The media hardly noted when Emperor Harry-Hito Reid buried this House bill and refused to let it come to the floor of the Senate for vote. It’s good to be omnipotent. In the Imperial Senate, Emperor Harry-Hito rules with an iron hand and inconsistent logic. During the debt ceiling debate, Democrats wept, wailed, and gnashed their teeth at proposals for a short-term extension of the ceiling. However, when it comes to the short-term extension of the social security tax cut (a bad idea to begin with since it adds blood thinner to an already hemorrhaging system), previous Democrat concerns about long term stability are quickly cast away. Emperor Harry and his Imperial Senate passed a whopping two-month extension of the “tax cut” and immediately fled town. Hit and Run Harry must have taken a page out of the Wisconsin Democrat playbook. Undoubtedly he had already instructed his House minion, Princess Pelosi to disregard congressional protocol and to refuse to name anyone to a conference committee to iron out the differences. Of course the mainstream media headlines were all about Republicans “blocking” tax cuts for millions of Americans. This was just another blatant example of the media conspiracy to perpetrate a fraud to protect a fraud.

It was pretty much the same modus operandi when media gleefully reported the country’s third quarter economic growth to be 2.5%. Buried in the fine print was the subsequent reduction to 2% and you needed a microscope to find the final tabulation of 1.8%. It’s doubtful the OMB projections of 3.1% for 2011 will hold up and makes the projected 4% for 2012 even more laughable. That’s why President Obama is now asking for another $1.2 trillion increase in the debt ceiling. Don’t expect the media to make a big deal about this. Don’t expect them to remember when Candidate Obama called President Bush “unpatriotic” and “irresponsible” for raising the debt to $10 trillion and spending $4 trillion over his entire eight years. Nope, when a Democrat increases the debt from $10.626 trillion to $15.2 trillion and still needs another $1.2 trillion FOR HIS FIRST FOUR YEARS, that’s just fine because he “cares.” In liberal-speak, the fifty percent who pay no taxes should never have to bear the unholy burden of the fifty percent of taxpayers who don’t pay enough of their “fair share”!

Finally, don’t expect any media attention to how well represented the demonic Wall Street is in President Obama’s administration. Don’t expect the media to report that these “fat cats” have already doled out more in campaign contribution kickbacks to President Obama than President Bush received in his entire eight years! What you can expect is that Democrats will be given another media pass and every Republican flaw will be flayed, filleted, or fabricated. Meanwhile, every presidential fault, every economic failure, and every international faux pas will be whitewashed and painted over with high gloss media spin. Crime, corruption, crony capitalism, and economic chaos do not occur in Democrat years, choruses the cacophonic media. It’s just a flesh wound, America. Happy New Year.

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