Saturday, February 16, 2019

The "New Face" of the Democrat Party?

The chair of the Democrat National Committee, Tom Perez, has anointed Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez as the "new face" of the Democrat Party.  She is attractive, enthusiastic, and totally without a clue.  In fact, she probably has a winnable lawsuit against Boston University for giving her a diploma without an education!  Her degree was granted in economics and international relations but her ignorance in both areas is astounding.

For instance, she and her flock successfully sabotaged the new Amazon headquarter relocation to Long Island City and the opportunity to add 25,000 new jobs.  AOC railed against the $3 billion tax break the state and city had offered up as an incentive.  In a burst of jaw dropping stupidity, she proposed that the $3 billion now be used to hire more teachers and repair the subway.  Apparently she is unable to grasp a simple concept that a tax break (not that Amazon needs them given their record of zero federal income tax payments!) does not become immediate tangible funds available for redistribution!  Potential non-tax revenue does not become a current asset.  Is that so hard to understand for a college graduate and member of congress?  If you ever read her "Green New Deal," you will quickly understand there is much more this Democrat Socialist doesn't understand.

For the moment however, AOC is upstaged by the other rising star, Robert Francis O'Rourke, with the culturally appropriated nickname "Beto."  You can already see Robert and his aspiring presidential flock currying favor with Speaker Pelosi.  Pelosi labeled the wall as an "immorality" and "Beto" has said it should be torn down!  Ignore what the Border Patrol agents recommend; ignore what ICE has to say; ignore what Mark Morgan (the chief of the Border Patrol under Obama) has to say; and ignore the heartbreak of the Angel Moms and their families.  And of course, the vapidity of mainstream media will ignore the disastrous nature of their foolishness.

Until such time as the media earns the right to their constitutional protection, we will see personality prevail over proficiency and glibness conquer the gullible.  We will see one party pursue open borders, sanctuary cities, and fight voter identification requirements.  We will see one party refuse to stand when the President says the USA will not be a socialist country.  We will see one party extend the role of government into every imaginable facet of American life and erode our God-given unalienable rights.  And we are letting it happen.

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