Monday, December 21, 2015

That's Not Who We Are

By William L. Garvin

Lately we've been lectured by the president, pundits and politicos of all stripes that "that's not who we are" and "those are not our values."  For the moment, let's put aside the condescending dismissal of opposing viewpoints and the arrogant, self-appointed status they've assumed as the ultimate arbiter of who "we" are.  Let's look at how far we've come with this "fundamental transformation" of the United States.  Remember when the president declared that we are no longer a Christian nation?  Now prayer is being eradicated from schools along with the Pledge of Allegiance.  Students have been told they can't read the Holy Bible during free time and to cover up their crucifixes.  Notre Dame covered up its cross when the president spoke at its university.  Other universities do not fly the Stars and Stripes for fear that it might offend foreign students.  The Ten Commandments is being removed from public squares along with nativity scenes.  A Christian high school football coach has been suspended for praying on the field after a game while a Virginia geography teacher circulates the Koran and has her students copy the "shahada "which translated means "There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah."  Some Tennessee schools have removed the Ten Commandments but the "5 Pillars of Islam" remains posted.  Where is the Freedom From Religion Foundation and their ubiquitous lawsuits against these practices or does its "separation of church and state" vendetta only apply to Christians and Jews?

Gone are the days of the "shining city on the hill" when the world's foremost beacon of freedom beamed brightly.  Gone are the days when one would "ask not what the country could do for you but what you could do for your country".  Gone are the days where politicians represented the will of "we the people" as well as real choice and loyal opposition.    Gone are the days when allies could trust us and enemies would respect us.  Today this is a country of feckless foreign policy, disappearing red lines and broken promises.  Today we not only negotiate with terrorists but we actively fund the world's number one sponsor of state terrorism.  On the home front, police officers are guilty until proven innocent and their cities will burn either way.  Here to stay is the establishment of one-party rule-the fiscally irresponsible, self-perpetuating, elitist political class.  With malice of forethought, Congress passed and the president signed another trillion dollar spending bill adding to the astronomical $18.8 trillion national debt.  Addicted to gargantuan government and illiterate economic and national security policies, our leaders are willing to forego domestic peace and prosperity in favor of "charitable" giving to nations that hate us and continually oppose our best interests.  Buried in over two thousand pages of budget chicanery is another $1.8 billion to resettle illegal aliens in addition to full funding for Planned Parenthood's continued war on the unborn and for sanctuary cities harboring of foreign felons.  Senators Sessions and Cruz warned in advance:  "Congress is days away from consideration of an omnibus year-end funding bill that would set the U.S. on an autopilot path to approve green cards, asylum, and refugee status to approximately 170,000 migrants from Muslim countries during the next fiscal year. In addition to that tens of thousands of temporary visas for entry and employment, and the entire sum is added to the rest of the annual autopilot green card, asylum, refugee, and foreign worker flow."  Leftists ignore the unique political components of Islam (dhimmitude, jizyah, taqiyya, and Al-hijra) and that Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, and Bahrain all refuse any refugees because of "security concerns." Islamapoligists ignore Islamic State warnings that they will imbed terrorists among the refugees.  They also ignore warnings from the FBI and Homeland Security that there is simply no way to properly vet these people.  And of course, they also ignore the simple laws of supply and demand and fail to acknowledge how a continual influx of poorly educated and unskilled labor, both legal and illegal, depresses minimum wage increases.    

Leftists also claim that they can prevent terrorist attacks by passing more laws restricting law abiding citizens' ability to protect themselves and their families by purchasing weapons.  Newsflash for liberals: criminals don't obey laws!  Attacks on the Second Amendment are unrelenting and a sad portend for the future is Yale students happily signing a petition to eliminate the First Amendment because the entire country should be a "safe space."  If these are our best and brightest and the leaders of tomorrow, God help us all!  If this is who we now are, then cultural suicide is our new American value!

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