Monday, November 2, 2015

Winner by Knockout!

By William L. Garvin

In the “sweet science” of pugilism, there is a common plan for those beginning their professional careers.  Competent trainers don’t throw their novices into the ring with an undisputed champion.  They start off with lesser skilled opponents, pugs of limited ability, to build up the fighter’s confidence and won-loss record.  It appears that the Democrat party is using the same strategy.

It was obvious in the so-called Democrat debate that Hillary was made to look good by surrounding her with stumblebums and palookas.  Of course she shined in comparison, especially when Bernie Sanders took a dive on her emails.  The fix was in and obvious to all.  The debate ended up being a draw between the socialist and the progressive as to who could give away the most “free stuff” but Hillary got the decision on style points.  Neither candidate was queried as to how all this largesse would be paid for and how much it would add to the $18.5 trillion national debt.  Anderson Cooper ended up shadow boxing and lost a split decision to his shadow!

In comparison, the Republican debates were mostly characterized by a lack of moderation among the moderators.  In particular, the CNN and CNBC debates were deliberately staged to drop the gloves, engage in a bare knuckle brawl and instigate a cage fight if at all possible.  John Harwood of CNBC was particularly egregious in his smug and disdainful provocations.  That’s why Chris Christie drew such resounding applause when he said “even in New Jersey” Harwood was being rude.  That’s why Marco Rubio drew such resounding applause when he said that Democrats had the largest PAC of all…the main stream media!  That’s why Ted Cruz drew such resounding applause when he exposed their obvious ploy to degrade and destroy every Republican candidate on the stage.

To date, no Democrat has been subjected to even the mildest of challenges as to their record or qualifications.  The reason that no one laid a glove on Hillary is because no one even threw a punch!  No one in that debate asked why she exhibited such incredibly poor judgment in setting up her own private server thereby jeopardizing national security.  No one asked about the questionable donations from foreign entities to the Clinton Foundation, her inability to manage two email addresses, the $6 billion missing State Department dollars, her obvious lies about Benghazi, or how she would handle ISIS, Russia, Iran and China, the national debt, and this depressingly slow economic recovery.

As Bernie threw wild haymakers in the Santa Claus giveaway program, he waxed rhapsodically about Denmark and their freebies.  Maybe he should read Mikkel Clair Nissen’s book MANIPULISM AND THE WEAPON OF GUILT.  She wrote:  “I am a school-teacher from Denmark, making about $61,000 a year.  We get free education.  You don’t have to pay for the doctor, the hospital, and students even get paid to study.  It all sounds so great…right?  However, I forgot to mention that nothing is ever free.  The lowest personal income-tax in Denmark is minimum 40 percent.  Also, we pay a sales tax of 25 percent, and on top of sales tax the government applies further (generally hidden) duties and fees, to almost everything, making it really hard for lower-class people to get by, causing them to be deeply dependent on government handouts.  A gallon of gas is about 10 dollars.  Tax on a car is 180 percent, which brings a car valued a bit over $20,000 in the United States (e.g., Honda Accord) up to an astounding $50,000 dollars in Denmark.  Denmark is the highest taxed nation in the world—taxed an average of 80 percent of every earned dollar.  Caused by excessive taxation, Danes also have the highest private debt in the world.  Only few will ever own a car or a house here, banks generally do—hypocritically, the very same bankers that the collectivists despise.  Anyone who makes over $80,000 annually pays a personal tax of 68 percent.  This means that almost all people with higher earnings have either found ways to evade taxes, or have left the country, often bringing their companies with them, making employment scarcely low.  Denmark’s suicide rate has averaged 20.8 per 100,000 during the last five decades, with its highest level of 32.  The American suicide rate averaged only 11.1 during the last five decades, and has never exceeded 12.7.  Danes are deeply deprived, driven by severe narcissism, and so more than 11 percent of adult Danes—the supposed happiest people in the world—are on antidepressants.  Well of course Danes are happy; they are medicated to be!  Everyone wants the American dream.  In Denmark’s neo-communism, no one will ever own or accomplish anything.”  Do you feel the burn, Bern?

If Democrats are ever matched against the truth as Republicans are matched against the media, truth will be a winner by knockout…probably in the opening round!

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