Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Liberally Speaking

By William L. Garvin
“A man who chooses between drinking a glass of milk and a glass of a solution of potassium cyanide does not choose between two beverages; he chooses between life and death.  A society that chooses between capitalism and socialism does not choose between two social systems; it chooses between social cooperation and the disintegration of society.  Socialism is not an alternative to capitalism; it is an alternative to any system under which men can live as human beings.”  Ludwig von Mises

The leading Democrat candidate in the latest Ohio and New Hampshire polls isn’t even a Democrat!  It’s Bernie Sanders, an Independent and self-described “democratic socialist” who thinks the United States should be more like Scandinavia.  We too should have free college, free grad school, free childcare, guaranteed income, guaranteed retirement and of course single payer government run healthcare.  In typical liberal fashion, he’ll finance it with more taxes on the rich, on corporations, estates, and financial transactions.  He wants another trillion dollar stimulus package for infrastructure and cares nothing about increasing the national debt or “running out of other people’s money.”  Despite all this, more and more Democrats prefer him to Hillary the Inevitable who two-thirds of the people polled regard as a “liar”, “dishonest”, and “not trustworthy.”  About one-third of those polled will vote her anyway because she also promises free college and because she’s a Democrat.  Incredible.

Liberally speaking, it’s important to be compassionate.  We must show compassion for polar bears, for trees, for spotted owls, for Cecil the lion, for transgender persons, and for undocumented workers, formerly known as illegal aliens.  However, that compassion does not extend to the harvesting, butchering, and sale of unborn baby parts.  Naturally Nancy Pelosi decries the videotapes of Planned Parenthood’s pathetic and barbaric practices as fake even though she hasn’t seen them.  In her world, whistle blowers should be protected unless one of her campaign donors is being exposed.  And PP gives lots of money…to Democrats.  Incredible.

Liberally speaking, there should be an inviolable wall of separation between church and state…unless that church’s religious figure believes in open borders, climate change (formerly known as global warming), opposes the death penalty and castigates “unbridled capitalism.”  Such a figure will be welcomed with open arms, invited to the White House and given free rein to address Congress.  Naturally, liberals have no problem with the First Lady wearing a $2,300 dress to meet the Pope though they waxed apoplectic over a $990 blouse worn by Ann Romney.  Incredible.

Liberally speaking, inconsistency is a trademark.  Of course, Kim Davis should resign her position because she wouldn’t issue same sex marriage certificates because it conflicted with her faith.  At an LGBT “gala fundraiser,” President Obama opined that gay rights (not enumerated in the Constitution) were more important than religious rights (specifically enumerated in the Constitution).  However, when Ben Carson said he would not support a Muslim for the presidency if that candidate held sharia law superior to the Constitution, liberals were incensed and subjected him to the predictable media lynching.  Such inconsistency requires them to ignore the treatment of women, the treatment of homosexuals, the sex trafficking, honor killings, mass execution of Christians, and the sexploitation of children commonly found in Islamic countries.  In fact, a Green Beret is soon to be kicked out of our army because he pushed down an Afghan police commander for sexually abusing a young boy and beating his mother when she complained.  Incredible.

Liberally speaking, President Obama can pontificate about his “moral outrage” that millions of children are “just one mosquito bite away from death.”  It is important not to remember that it was liberal policies and the phony scientific support for Rachel Carson’s SILENT SPRING that restricted the use of DDT that had decimated the mosquito population and nearly eradicated malaria.  It is important not to ask whether it is a moral outrage to burn corn for fuel (ethanol) while millions are starving.  It is important not to ask whether it is moral to deliberately drive up the costs of electricity and fuel when that has a disproportionate impact on the poor.  It is important not to ask whether the concerns about crony capitalism should extend to all those popular “green energy” companies that are still inefficient, expensive and frequently corrupt.  Liberally speaking, only conservatives should be asked those questions.  Incredible.

Meanwhile back at the White House, Barack is telling Vladimir “My red line is ‘Assad must go.’”  Vladimir is telling Barack “You’re full of liberal borscht.  I will build army bases, airfields and seaports in Syria with my pals Bashar and Hasan (Iranian president) while you are leading from behind.”  Liberally speaking, it’s another great foreign policy deal.  Really incredible…and really stupid.

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