Monday, March 30, 2015

Points to Ponder

By William L. Garvin
“An interesting aspect of the rumored treaty with Iran is that, at the very least, they will be able to pursue nuclear energy to their heart’s content, which is more than the liberals, taking their marching orders from environmental zealots, will allow us to do.  How is it we’re not insisting that Iran start relying on solar panels and windmills for its energy needs?  Although nuclear energy is cheap, available and safe, and would make us energy independent for the foreseeable future, we haven’t built a nuclear plant since the 1970’s.  Perhaps if America could go to Switzerland and negotiate with John Kerry, we too could start building centrifuges for peaceful purposes.”  Burt Prelutsky

Iran has an abundant supply of oil and it only costs about $4.00 for them to produce each barrel   As a result, gasoline is about $.25 per gallon so from a purely practical perspective, why is there such a need for nuclear energy?  Also why isn’t their production of intercontinental ballistic missiles being addressed at the negotiating table?  They already have rockets that will reach Israel and indeed, “wipe it off the map” if armed with nuclear warheads.  But pay no attention to all those “Death to America’ chants—they don’t really mean it.

Everyone should be very concerned about this “deal” which may not even be confirmed in writing!  Remember, the Obama-Hillary-Kerry administration has hardly left a track record of successful negotiations.  They couldn’t even successfully negotiate a “status of forces” agreement with Iraq.  Kerry’s mediation in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks was a miserable failure.  The missile defense system for Poland and Czechoslovakia was thrown under the bus.  Hillary couldn’t even spell her “reset button’ for Russia correctly let alone protect Crimea and the Ukraine.  Uncle Sam not only got his pocket picked in the START treaty but the Russian bear also ate his lunch!  The “deadlines” and “red lines” in Syria became and international joke.  And lest we forget, they recently traded five top Taliban terrorist commanders for a soldier now facing charges of desertion and misbehavior (which carries a life sentence).

Given that Israel’s very existence may be at stake, she is making use of every avenue available for survival.  Not too surprisingly, Mossad (the Israeli CIA) is monitoring every word and every action of the countries that are determining her future.  The Obama administration, increasingly hostile to Israel in general and her prime minister in particular, appear exceedingly vexed that Israel is looking out for her own self-interest.  Why they are even spying on the USA!  And how did the USA find that out?  By spying on Israel of course!  Oops!

On the national political front, the left is now doubling down on double standards.  Since Ted Cruz announced his candidacy for president, there is now much liberal hue and cry about a first term senator being qualified.  They even have a “birther” movement challenging his eligibility.  The media immediately branded him as “uppity, divisive, a flamethrower, a demagogue, rigid and uncompromising.”  When he said he grew fond of country music after 9/11 because of its patriotic themes, MSNBC’s Jamilah Lemieux idiotically brayed “Nothing says ‘Let’s go kill some Muslims’ like country music….”  Haters gotta hate even if their viewers dissipate and ratings tank.

Meanwhile, just as there were “Jordan Rules” in the NBA, there now appear to be “Clinton Rules” in presidential politics.  Somehow it is perfectly acceptable for Hillary’s foundation to rake in millions of dollars from foreign countries while she was Secretary of State.  It’s perfectly acceptable for her to continue to accept untold buckets of money from individuals and countries that won’t allow women to drive, will stone them for adultery, require four witnesses to a rape and allow husbands to beat their wives.  It’s perfectly acceptable for her to conduct our nation’s most sensitive business on her own private email accounts with her own private server.  It’s perfectly acceptable for her to destroy all the emails she chooses and to wipe her server clean even though congress has requested those documents for months.

But if you criticize her or point out the recent CBS News poll shows that only 26% view her favorably while 37% view her unfavorably, beware the wrath of the Clinton “Super Volunteers,” who notified the New York Times that they will carefully track the media for “sexist code words.”  So don’t you ever say that she is “polarizing, calculating, disingenuous, insincere, ambitious, inevitable, entitled, over-confident, secretive, will do anything to win, represents the past, or out of touch.”  Never dare to blaspheme their saint!  Prepare for the thought police and their cyber-bully tactics.  You must never dissent.  You will kiss your freedom of speech goodbye…or else!

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