Monday, October 10, 2011

Wall Street, Pelosi and Green Jobs--Scams What Am!

By William L. Garvin

After his mad dash to rush through another $4.7 billion in green jobs funding before the September 30th deadline, Jonathan Silver, the head of the green jobs loan program resigned. A chief beneficiary of his largesse was the Antelope Valley Ranch Solar Project. If you thought the numbers last week were appalling, look at this windfall. Apparently, the $646 million in loan guarantees will result in about 350 TEMPORARY construction jobs but only about 20 PERMANENT jobs—that’s $32 million per permanent job. Such a deal!

In another example of media and government conspiracy, there’s the new jobs report that says 103,000 jobs were created last month. Reality is that 45,000 of those jobs were Verizon workers who had been on strike and finally went back to work. None of those jobs are new. It’s just another numbers scam and a blatant attempt to cover up the massive failure of this Administration’s economic policies.

Speaking of cover ups, why is the media so concerned about Mitt Romney’s religious beliefs when they could have cared less about Senator Obama’s attendance at Reverend Wright’s church? It’s probably the same dynamic that led Nancy Pelosi to finally speak out against slights against womanhood. Of course it was a Democrat woman. Why wasn’t this same sensitivity and “courage” visible when members of her party were engaging in the most bilious of slurs, innuendoes, vile epithets, and baseless charges against Sarah Palin? Oh, that’s right. Republican women are second class citizens and not entitled to the same rules of decorum and spirited defenses by the ex-Speaker and the National Organization of Some Women!

With all this going on, it’s no wonder that a “Wag the Dog” distraction manifested itself in the “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrations. Even though supported by Rep. Pelosi, organizers were terribly disappointed when their anticipated 20,000 protestors could barely number 1,000. Unlike the Tea Party, where the media had to search to find a controversial and bizarre sign, here the media had to meticulously search among the “occupiers” to find a lucid person with a coherent message. There was the occasional sound idea to audit the Fed or eliminate crony capitalism but none of them protested the genesis—government interference and ineffective government programs.

They lust to destroy capitalism but they have nothing but bromides from Mao’s Little Red Book as an alternative. One economic genius even “demands” the following: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the "Books." World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the "Books." And I don't mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period. Of course, he also expects a living wage regardless of employment, open borders, free pot and perpetual government induced nirvana. Many of these transients wouldn’t even accept a green job let alone work for an evil corporation!

But they text away on their smart phone (corporate), stream live on their iPads (corporate), occasionally wash up or eat at McDonald’s (corporate), blog on their website (corporate), backed by George Soros and (corporate), carry signs made by SEIU and the AFL-CIO (unions are private companies and CORPORATE!), all the while spitting on the suits and ties that are working for a living. They rail about “sticking it to The Man.” OMG, that is so sixties!

Somehow they see themselves as romantic freedom fighters aligned in the stars with the Arab Spring. They’re not. They claim they’re representatives of the “99%.” They’re not. They are not even representative of the twenty percent of Americans who identify as liberals. They are representative of a self-indulgent gaggle of narcissists who don’t have a clue that success comes at a price—hard work, good ideas, and perseverance. Somebody should tell them there’s no free lunch (except at protests) and scams like these don’t last long or change anything. Their sound and fury is lacking in substance and signifies nothing more than ephemeral babble.

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