Monday, November 22, 2010

SOS—Stuck on Stupid

By William L. Garvin

“Stupid is as stupid does.” Forrest Gump

When John Kerry testified before Congress as to the Viet Nam atrocities his fanciful imagination had conjured up, the media swallowed it up and repeated it without any reservation. They blithesomely ignored the fact that if he had personally viewed any of these acts he had a moral and legal obligation as an officer to intervene. It is no wonder that Communist leaders referred to this unholy alliance as “useful idiots” and supported their continuing assault on the morale and moral fabric of America.

It appears as if the useful idiots have been propagating in unhealthy proportions all the while “straining at gnats while swallowing camels.” This new generation of useful idiots now is reconfigured as the ruling class or intellectual elite. They seem to be the primary component of main stream media and political pundits. Fortunately, their modus operandi has become formulaic and predictable. First they will take a general swipe at the Tea Party; then they will take a gratuitous shot at Sarah Palin; and finally, they will congratulate themselves on their superiority and cleverness as they look down upon and lecture the great, unwashed masses. It transparently originates in the Alinsky radical playbook of “isolating, personalizing, and ridiculing” any opposition.

A recent example of this was an extensive grammatical critique of a Tea Party sign which said “You can’t fix stupid, but you can vote it out.” Obviously the author failed to demonstrate a working knowledge of colloquialisms (an informal word or phrase that is more common in conversation than in formal speech or writing) although as a long time sufferer of PDS (Palin Derangement Syndrome) he did manage to toss in an unctuous “you betcha!” Heaven forbid we should ever delve into idiom or dialect as a conversational vehicle.

For those who are having difficulty divining the meaning of “stupid” in the above context, the following clarification is offered. “Stupid” is a state of mind prominently exhibited in Washington, D.C., where they think that it is economically feasible to spend a country into prosperity. “Stupid” is a legal decision to move trials of Islamic terrorists from military tribunals to civilian courts and then managing to get only 1 conviction out of 286 charges! “Stupid” is thinking that the massive loss of Democrat seats in the November election is because of a “lack of communication.”

“Stupid” is reelecting Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid as two legs of the three-legged Obama administration leadership stool after they set the stage for a historical loss of power in both the House and the Senate. “Stupid” is a country that is rich in natural resources that refuses to use them in an environmentally sensitive manner thereby insuring continued dependency on foreign oil. “Stupid” is $600 billion worth of Monopoly money disguised as “quantitative easing” that is guaranteed to reduce the value of any savings you have managed to accumulate.

Furthermore, “stupid” is a state of government mind (control) that refuses to secure our border with Mexico but has no problem conducting searches of every passenger in an airline terminal without probable cause or even reasonable suspicion. “Stupid” is that same state of mind that says you can add 30 million people to the health care rolls and everyone else’s premium will go down. “Stupid” is a court decision that declares it’s okay to charge American citizen students more tuition and fees than illegal alien students have to pay.

“Stupid” is also a prevalent voter condition in coastal states that thinks anyone living west of New York or east of San Francisco is an ignorant rube that needs a nanny state to take care of their every need. Thus this voter condition known as “stupid” is capable of taking someone whose only identifiable skill set is reading off a teleprompter and electing him President of the United States! To this voter condition, if Barack Obama excites a crowd, he’s charismatic; if Sarah Palin excites a crowd, she’s a celebrity or a rock star. If Sarah Palin has a documentary about her home state of Alaska, it’s a reality show; if Barack Obama is a guest on Ryan Seacrest’s show, that’s somehow presidential. Furthermore, despite being an allegedly “brilliant” Consitutional scholar (unsubstantiated), he continues to shred the Constitution.

Upon reflection, maybe that sign should properly read: “You can’t fix Stupid, but you can vote him out!”

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